Fields of treatment / Gynecology / Gynaecological examinations, preventive care
Gynaecological examinations, preventive care
Patients in Czech Republic are entitled to have an annual preventive exam according to Regulation No 56/1997 Coll by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
The exam includes the following procedures: inspection of external genitalia, using gynaecological mirror to inspect cervix, collecting a specimen for cytology. These are routine procedures in cervical cancer screening. The exam may also include a HPV test (human papillomavirus). HPV is a virus that can lead to development of cervical cancer. The doctor may also perform a transvaginal ultrasound.
HPV vaccinations
Our gynaecology department provides vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer. Cervarix and Silgard vaccines are used. However, vaccination is not a part of the annual preventive exam.
Preventive breast examination
Females aged 45 to 69 will be invited to have a breast screening every 2 years. This is performed at accredited medical facilities. Cost of the appointment is covered by Social Health Insurance. More information on breast screening in the Czech Republic can be found on official website of Czech National Breast Screening Programme (
Colorectal cancer screening
We currently perform colorectal screening procedures. The methods available include colonoscopy and a stool test also known as FOBT, that checks for occult blood in the stool.
- Females aged 50-54 are recommended to take an annual FOBT test. The test kit is available at the reception, and you can perform it at home.
- Females over 55 are recommended to have FOBT test on a regular basis. Another option for them is a to have a colonoscopy for colon cancer screening.