Fields of treatment / Plastic surgery / Breast enlargement – Augmentation
Breast enlargement – Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a procedure to increase or improve the shape of breast using silicone breast implants. Breasts can be enlarged by several sizes. Asymmetry or other cosmetic imperfections can also be addressed with this procedure. The age limit for this procedure is 18 years, depending on whether mammary glands are fully grown and developed
The implants are inserted either behind the glandular tissue or behind the chest wall muscle, always to make sure they do not hamper breastfeeding or make examination of breast gland difficult. There are advantages and disadvantages to inserting the implants in either location. The choice depends on the quality and size of the gland, the quality of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and the strength and quality of the muscle. The cover of the implant must be sufficient to give a natural augmentation effect. Patients can choose from several types and grades of silicone implants, varying in shape, material and size.
Breast augmentation is assessed individually for each patient based on their preferences, body type and other criteria during a face-to-face consultation with a plastic surgeon.
Who is augmentation suitable for?
Women who are bothered by small or sagging breasts undergo the procedure.
What does breast augmentation help with?
- asymmetry
- loss of volume after breastfeeding
- increased size of areolas
- inverted nipples
What happens before the procedure?
The key factor for performing the procedure successfully is good condition of the patient and a thorough pre-operative examination. Before the procedure, it is necessary to avoid medications that can increase bleeding. You might need to stop smoking. You may continue using contraception before the procedure. A mammogram of the breasts is required before the procedure.
Description of the procedure
What happens during the procedure?
Breast augmentation is performed under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 1 hour. PECS I AND PECS II ultrasound guided analgesia can be added to minimize postoperative pain Then, you will be taken to recovery room to receive care after you wake up.
What happens after the surgery?
After the procedure an elastic bandage is applied to the chest and in some cases drainage tubes are placed into the wounds and removed before discharge. Healing time is individual for each patient, but the wounds usually heal within 2 weeks of surgery in all patients. The first follow-up appointment after you are discharged takes place the first or second week after surgery.
How long does the recovery period last?
After the procedure, you will need to take a rest for 2 weeks. Avoid any strenuous activity involving your arms and pectoral muscles. You will have to have regular follow-up appointments. It is essential to wear an expandable sports bra for 2 months. Doing sports is not recommended during the first 6 weeks after breast augmentation. After that, you may take up sports again. However, you must wear an elastic sports bra for another 2 months.