Info / Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Anesthesiology and intensive care focus on monitoring and maintaining patients' vital signs during operations.
Info / FAQ / Supportive treatment NOVAFLEX PRO+ A modern product manufactured by MNS in the (...)
Info / FAQ / What are haemorrhoids? They are basically swollen veins of the lower part (...)
Info / FAQ / What are varicose veins? Varicose veins represent a problem in the venous (...)
Info / FAQ / What is a hernia? How is a hernia treated? A hernia (...)
Info / FAQ / What is arthritis? Arthritis, commonly referred to as rheumatism, is a (...)
Info / FAQ / What is arthroscopy? Arthroscopy is a modern minimally invasive surgical and diagnostic (...)
Info / FAQ / What is general anesthesia? General anaesthesia enables painful surgical or diagnostic (...)