Fields of treatment / Gynecology / Gynaecological examination, preventive care
Gynaecological examination, preventive care
Did you just have a positive pregnancy test? Now it may be the right time to book an appointment with your gynaecologist. When your pregnancy is confirmed, get ready for your first visit to our pregnancy care department
Comprehensive prenatal care
As a pregnant woman and if your pregnancy is considered high risk, you will have regular check-ups commencing as soon as you are pregnant and ending when your baby is due.
We also perform fetal ultrasound. This is done to detect defects or congenital conditions of the fetus. Ultrasound is done to check for conditions threatening the fetus, such as fetal growth disorders, placental abnormalities, impending premature labour etc.
If there is a high risk of a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus (e.g. Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc.), we perform invasive prenatal diagnostic tests. One of them consists of taking a small sample of the placenta (known as CVS testing) at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy). Another one takes amniotic fluid (so-called amniocentesis) from around your baby after 15 weeks of pregnancy) for a detailed cytogenetic examination to diagnose possible genetic disorders,
On request, we can take 3D ultrasound images of the fetus or 4D ultrasound videos of the fetus with DVD recording.