Fields of treatment / Surgery, laparoscopy, hernias, excision / Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia, laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia happens in your groin region. It forms when your intestines (mostly loops) push through weakened muscles in the lower abdomen and appears as a bulge under your skin.
What is an inguinal hernia?
It is a quite common condition. In children it often happens due to a family history. In adults it happens due to increased abdominal pressure, which may be a result of physical strain (heavy lifting), persistent cough or chronic constipation. It may also occur when your prostate is enlarged. Inguinal hernia is not a dangerous situation. However, it never goes away and may become strangulated, which could be a life-threatening complication. The only way to repair it is with a surgical procedure.
Inguinal hernia symptoms
Počátečním příznakem kýly je pocit pálení v třísle po větší fyzické námaze či po kašli. Později se v oblasti třísla objevuje měkké, pružné vyklenutí, které často zmizí v poloze vleže a znovu se objeví v poloze vestoje. V případě, že dojde k uskřinutí kýly, které se projeví trvalou velkou bolestivostí, provázenou zvracením, je nutné bezprostředně vyhledat lékařské ošetření.
Průběh operace tříselné kýly
intense physical activity or cough. Later, you start feeling a soft bulge that comes back and forth when you lie down and stand up. When your hernia gets strangulated, you will feel severe pain and you will vomit. If this is the case, seek medical attention immediately.
Laparoscopic surgery is the best option for most patients who have an inguinal hernia. The procedure usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of hernia. A minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure is often recommended. It is performed under general anaesthesia. Advantages of laparoscopic procedure to the patient include shorter recovery time, lower risk of post operative complications and practically zero pain. The surgeon uses a laparoscope and other thin instruments that are put in your abdomen. He or she pushes the tissue back and reinforces the site with mesh material.
Hospitalisation time and recovery time after inguinal hernia surgery
You will normally stay in the hospital for 1-2 days before can go home. After the surgery, any intense physical activity including doing sports or heavy lifting must be avoided for 2 to 3 months.