About Us / Our doctors / Orthopedists, Traumatologists / MUDr. Pavel Holeka, Ph.D., MBA
MUDr. Pavel Holeka, Ph.D., MBA
Doctor certified by Czech Society of Sports Medicine
Specializations and treatments
- Comprehensive examination, diagnosis and treatment of injuries of the entire musculoskeletal system.
- Acute and elective (reconstructive) surgical treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and large joints (knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, elbow, wrist) - approximately 900 procedures per year, since 2008.
- Conservative treatment of joint injuries and degenerative joint changes - Visco supplementation, chondroprotective agents, enzymotherapy, etc.
- Issuing a Medical Clearance
- Issuing Medical Certificate for Performance or Professional Athletes and university students who major in sports studies and related fields
- Arthroscopic procedures: a full range of procedures treating the knee, hip and shoulder joints.
- Knee joint cartilage transplantation
- 2017-present
New Arthroscopy Techniques and Materials Consultant and Supervisor,Medin, Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic
- 2016 GZ/ present
NJS Surgery s.r.o, Company President, Head of Surgery and Traumatology
Palackého Street 165, Chrudim II, ZIP: 537 01
- 2016-present
Galen-One Day Surgery Center CHS, v.o.s
Smetanova Street 1390, Ústí nad Orlicí ZIP: 562 01
- 2015-2023 Orthopedics Clinic MUDr. Josef Tomáš
Na Okrouhlíku 1781, Pardubice 530 03
- 2008-present
Department of Traumatology, Chrudim Hospital, Lead Doctor
Václavská 570, Chrudim 537 01
- 2010-2012
Hradec Králové University Hospital, Visiting Doctor
Sokolská 581, Hradec Králové 500 03
- 2015 / Certification and full professional qualification in surgery
- 2015 / Licensed by Czech Medical Chamber for the following: private medical practice, lecturer, professional representative, Head of Department, Head of Surgery Department, Head of Traumatology Department, Consultancy in traumatology and surgery,
- 2014 / Certification and full qualification in traumatology
- 2010 / License and certification to perform arthroscopic surgery, issued by Czech Medical Chamber
- 2003-2008 / Faculty of Medicine, Palacký University, Olomouc, Křížkovského 8, Olomouc 771 47
- 2018 / postgraduate studies started, Military University, Department of Medicine
Courses and internships
- 2009 / Arthroscopy course - Trauma Hospital Brno - licence holder
- 2009 / Arthroscopic internship - Trauma Hospital Brno - licence holder
- 2009 / Internship: hand surgery and reconstructive surgery, Vysoká nad Jizerou
- 2010 / Trauma symposium Zimmer - Prague
- 2011 / Orthofix Ankle arthrodesis mailing - Prague
- 2011 / Master course of Nailing - Zimmer- Zurich
- 2011 / AO Trauma course basic - Seč
- 2012 / Seminar: treatment of fractures of upper and lower limbs - Prague
- 2013 / AO Trauma course advance - Seč
- 2013 / ESTES European congress of Trauma and Emergency surgery - Lyon
- 2015 / ESTES European congress of Trauma and Emergency surgery - Amsterdam
- 2016 / Certification of attendance: HIP arthroscopy - Berlin
- 2016 / Course for forensic expert in surgery and traumatology
- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 / National Congress of the Society for Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy ČLS JEP - Olomouc, Brno, Prague
- 2014, 2015, 2016 / Arthrex knee course, arthroLab - Munich
- 2015, 2016 / Arthrex shoulder course in, arthroLab - Munich
- 2017 / Arthrex shoulder arthroscopy, Kirchdorf
- 2018, 2019, 2020 / internship, Arthroscopy, Herz Jesu Clinic, Wien
- Article: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (07 May, 2022): ournal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (07 May, 2022) Download the PDF here.
- Czech Medical Chamber
- Czech Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Czech Society for Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy
- Czech Surgical Society
Professional sport clubs-Team Doctor
- HC Dynamo Pardubice
- HC Chrudim
- FK Pardubice
- FK ERA – PACK Chrudim
- MFK Chrudim
- Box klub Pardubice / Chrudim
- ISTT Pardubice
- Czech Republic Ball Hockey Team