Fields of treatment / Varicose Veins Treatment / Varicose vein surgery – LASER
Varicose vein surgery – LASER
Varicose veins or varicose veins most commonly affect the superficial venous system of the lower limbs. Today, they are referred to as one of the diseases of civilization, in the development of which a number of risk factors contribute, whether it is a family predisposition, hormonal changes, a lifestyle associated with insufficient physical activity, obesity or prolonged standing. It most often affects women and becomes for them not only a health problem, but primarily a cosmetic problem.
Laser operation of varicose veins
It is a modern gentle method that reliably replaces the classic surgical operation of the veins of the lower limbs. Damaged veins are not surgically removed, but are treated with intravenous photocoagulation with a laser beam followed by closure of the treated veins.
At our workplace, we now use a modern laser so-called endovascular device (EVLA) for the procedure, which has laser fibers with radial (circular) beam emission and a beam wavelength of 1470 nm, which significantly increases the absorption of energy by the vein wall and thus enables the treatment of venous trunks even of larger diameter.The lower working temperature of the laser then acts gently on the surrounding tissues.The advantage of this method is not only the minimal incidence of complications, but above all minimal pain after the procedure.
Inquire about the possibility of treating varicose veins using an endovascular laser (ELVA) at our workplace.
Varicose veins in detail
How do varicose veins form?
Varicose veins are a manifestation of venous insufficiency, when due to the influence of blood pressure, the weakening of the venous wall expands and the function of the venous valves is impaired. A vein affected in this way acquires its typical coiled course.
Types of varicose veins
- Spider veins (spider veins) - small red veins with a diameter of less than 1 mm, mostly causing only an aesthetic problem
- Reticular varices - dilated blue veins with a diameter of 2-3 mm
- Trunk varicose veins - large dilated veins with a diameter of up to several tens of millimeters with a pronounced vein pattern protruding above the skin surface, can lead to the appearance of skin defects or leg ulcers
Symptoms of varicose veins
Varicose veins develop over a long period of time and are mainly a cosmetic problem in the beginning. Gradually, leg pain, swelling and visible varicose veins develop, which, if left untreated, can lead to serious health complications, including venous thrombosis or the development of skin defects and leg ulcers.